Friday, July 17, 2020

Skype for Business Online sessions now available through Teams PowerShell Module

The June 2020 preview (but generally available) update to the Microsoft Teams powershell module allows creation of SFB Online sessions, without the Windows-specific binaries.  Short version: no more SFB Online Module install requirements, and now the session is available cross-platform!

First, it is recommended to remove any prior versions of the MicrosoftTeams module, as well as SFB Online if you had it.  This article will use Azure Cloud Shell, which works in a web browser.

Azure Shell: Clean up installed modules.

Normally available via, or by clicking the Cloud Shell button in the title bar of

Remove all instances of the MS Teams module, we will need a specific public preview release to get going with SFBO sessions.  (Not needed if you are starting from scratch with no prior SFBO/Teams modules)

Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams -AllVersions -Force

Get current Teams module installed

Install June 2020 Preview release of Microsoft Teams module from (this is a default source if PSGet is installed)

Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 1.1.3-Preview -AllowPrerelease 

Import-Module MicrosoftTeams

Create a session for SFBO and then connect to it

$sfbsession = New-CsOnlineSession

Cloud Shell/Mac/other non-Windows: This login will prompt the "device based login" Modern Authentication experience:

Import-PSSession $sfbsession -AllowClobber

Tada - we have a SFBOnline session, with the expected cmdlets available and functioning: